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Our Story

Back in 2017, along with our twin 9 year old boys, we set out to create an exciting, vibrant, and unique belt.  Since the boys spent so much time on the golf course wearing brightly colored shirts, they wanted a belt that really stood out. We looked for quality golf belts beyond the solid colored white, gray or black belts and found there wasn’t much offered in a multicolored, quality golf belt that could really make a statement.  So what did we do…..get out a white belt, some painters tape and a whole bunch of Sharpies!

Since a hand colored Sharpie belt isn’t a long-term solution, we started the process of creating an actual product.  Over the next two years we spent time creating and evaluating various samples from multiple manufacturers. We initially started with the standard leather belt with holes but quickly found friends and family loved the ratchet style adjustable belts the most.  After the back of the closet filled up and looked like a graveyard of belts, we have finally found the right process, leather and construction to produce a quality adjustable golf belt fashioned with our patterns. 

Now we can release a quality Buca Belt that really makes a statement and can be adjusted to almost any size.  Be prepared, because strangers will stop you and ask you where you got your belt!  We are continuously coming up with new patterns and colors, so keep a lookout for more colors and patterns to come in the future.

Thank you for supporting this family owned business as we grow.  We handle everything from administration, marketing, emails, shipping and receiving, so please let us know what you think and we hope you enjoy your Buca Belt!  A Perfect Fit For The Greens And Your Jeans!

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